Sunday, January 27, 2013

Live Tweeting "The Octagon"

Obviously, updates to this blog are few and far between.  I would like to think quality beats quantity, but that's no excuse.  So I offer an apology for that and, quite possibly, for what I'm about to present as well. 

As you know I'm not too upset about Netflixification; although its streaming content often presents viewers with the choice of picking the best among largely mediocre offerings, at least there are diamonds in the rough and no commercials. (Of particularly worthy note right now is a Russian film from 2008, Vanished Empire, an outstanding movie about reckless youth in '70s Soviet Moscow.)  And even with a lot of junk, there's still that "Bad but Awesome" tag I put on these blogs, and with Netflix adding a slew of Chuck Norris's early work, it demanded attention here at Cinematic Leisure.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Octagon.

Rather than review this film, and present thoughts digested, I offer a helping of new media meets this less-new media.  Joined by friend artiste Anthony McConnell, and with the help of several gin and tonics, I live-tweeted my viewing experience.  Below are the results.  Since Twitter offers its micro-blog tweets in descending order, or newest-to-oldest tweets, I took the liberty of photoshopping these tweets into ascending order, or oldest-to-newest.  This way, you can follow the path of Chuck Norris--well, sort of--as he seeks revenge on the neenjah

And there you have it. Given this revisit, perhaps the traditional movie review still has merit after all.